Повелитель Вики
Повелитель Вики

Плеяды (プレアデス) это отряд боевых горничных в Великой Гробнице Назарик. Его члены первоначально служили только в последней линие обороны в Назарике, но Аинз дал им больше задач после того, как гробница была перенесена.

Справочная информация

The Pleiades is the combat maid squad of Nazarick, programmed as sisters. Unlike the other homunculus maids under the orders of Pestonya S. Wanko, the Pleiades members do not have any skills for housework and instead fight under Sebas's command as a final raid boss team right before the throne hall. All of them are women of unsurpassed beauty, each with a different type of appeal. After the teleportation to the New World, three of them are working outside of the tomb. This seems to be because they are amongst the rare NPCs from Nazarick who can easily disguise themselves as humans.

The Pleiades can be organized in two different formations. One is the "Pleiades Six Stars" and the other is the "Pleiades Seven Sisters". These formations can be switched by changing the leader to Sebas or the Lastborn of the Pleiades. The "Pleiades Seven Sisters" activates in volume 6, yet Ainz does not allow the Lastborn to move and thus Yuri Alpha becomes deputy leader.


Арка Короля Нежити

Основная статья: Арка Короля Нежити

Momonga orders the Pleiades to guard the 9th floor for possible intruders in the Great Tomb of Nazarick.

The Dark Warrior Arc

Основная статья: The Dark Warrior Arc

Ainz Ooal Gown choose Narberal Gamma to be his adventurer partner and infiltrate the fortress city of E-Rantel. Their plan is to become famous adventurer so that they can gain more information about this world.

The Bloody Valkyrie Arc

Основная статья: The Bloody Valkyrie Arc

In E-Rantel, Shalltear Bloodfallen's task was to enslave any criminals who knew martial arts or magic talent. While Sebas Tian and Solution Epsilon have been ordered by Ainz to disguise themselves as humans, and gather information. In particular, the roles they played were an elderly butler and a spoiled rich princess. As well in E-Rantel, Naberal stay at the inn and wait for Ainz's instruction when he returned.

The Men in the Kingdom Arc

The Invaders of the Large Tomb Arc


With all of them except Sebas being under level 65, the Pleiades's combat capability is quite low considering the role they have been given. This is because the final defense line of Nazarick is actually concentrated on the 8th floor. The actual purpose of the Pleiades is just to delay the invaders and allows all the guild members to gather in the throne hall and greet the invaders like villains in fiction. Despite this, the low power levels in the new world make them equivalent to legendary monsters.

Известные члены


  • The dual organization of the Pleiades refers to two different meanings of the word "Pleiades". In Greek mythology, the Pleiades refer to the seven sisters, daughters of the titan Atlas, while in astronomy the Pleiades is a star cluster called the "Six Combined Star" (六連星) in Asia.
  • The homunculus maids of Nazarick think of the Pleiades as a kind of idol group, with CZ the most popular among them.


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Великая Гробница Назарик
1-4 этаж
Шалтир Бладфоллен Кёфуко Гаргантюа
5-й этаж Резиденция
Коцит Нигредо Нейронист Пэйнкилл Мучитель
Ледяная тюрьма Снежная пустошь
6-й этаж Резиденция
Аура Белла Фиора Маре Белло Фиоре Гасёкукотю Фенни Крекерласил Пинисон Пол Перлия
Гигантское дерево Амфитеатр Зелёное ущелье
7-й этаж Резиденция
Демиург Гурен Злой Лорд Гнева Злой Лорд Жадности Злой Лорд Зависти
Пылающий храм
8-й этаж
Виктим Ауреол Омега Рубедо
9-й этаж Резиденция
Себас Тиан Су-шеф Шеф-повар Цуарэнинья Бэйрон Шестая Инкремент Фуаро Люмьер Декремент Пятая Четвёртая
Спа-курорт Назарика
10-й этаж Резиденция
Аинз Оал Гоун Альбедо Юри Альфа Люпус Регина Бета Нарберал Гамма CZ2128 Дельта Солюшн Эпсилон Энтома Василиса Дзета Тит Анней Секундус Библиотекарь J Кокцей Ульпий Элий Фульв Аврелий
Актёр Пандоры
Другие жители
Пэстония С Ванко Эклеа Эклер Эйклеа Чакмул Хамскэ Главный кузнец Пульчинелла Грант